Casa de Olivos Sustainable Policy

As at 06/01/24

Casa de Olivos is rooted in the local landscape in every sense. Our tranquil setting relies on the healthy continuity of that landscape, and we are both reliant on- and a contributor to- the wellbeing of the local area: economically, socially and environmentally.

Our mission to our guests “Escape • Enjoy • Be Kind” reflects our belief that we can operate luxury boutique tourist accommodation without compromising either the guest experience or the sustainability of the operation. Further, we hope that guests experiences here will give them the inspiration and education to take further steps along their own sustainability journey.

Recognising that our own business activity has an impact on the environment, we will work to limit the day-to-day impact of our actions by:

  • Maintaining awareness of, and compliance with all relevant environmental regulations and legislation
  • Minimising our waste production by promoting avoidance, reduction, recovery, and recycling
  • Continuously working to reduce and, so far as practicable remove, single-use plastics from our purchasing of guest amenities, cleaning products, and other operationally related items
  • Giving preference to local sourcing of goods and services, and those which are environmentally responsible
  • Improving the sustainable use of water and energy
  • Educating ourselves on the local ecology, how we can minimise the negative impact of Casa de Olivos
  • Communicating our environmental initiatives with our guests and the local community to promote education and inclusion
  • Taking affirmative actions to preserve and restore the natural heritage on the site
  • Developing the biodiversity on the site by avoiding the use of agri-chemicals and through careful landscape management
  • Engaging with the local community to contribute to economic growth, community events and charitable activities
  • To produce an annual action plan detailing the planned actions, objectives and targets for the coming year
  • To monitor our progress on a regular basis, showing how we have performed against our targets and our progress on the planned actions and objectives



Claire Bretten

Claire Bretten



Created January 2023

Next review: January 2025

This policy is endorsed by the co-owners. Responsibility for the policy lies with the proprietors. This policy will be reviewed regularly to evaluate its continued relevance and to monitor our progress.

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